- The Thematic Project -

Holaaa everyone!!

Come back agaiinnn! Might be the last post for the creative studies class, but will never stop being creative ! :)
YES!! There it is...Ours! It is a final assignment that we've been working out these past weeks, and frankly to say..i satisfied with everyone's effort and we made a pretty great team work.
The presentation was wonderful as well, we delivered a good topic (* I think)..we answered for really fine answers..though i was so nervous, the video was amazing! Credit to Omar for helping out my group to get done with the brilliant video! At the moment i felt so good with everything that we have done as a team, i wish everything will be fine until we face a final exam on Sunday Dec 20, 2009. it is, the following steps we did for the project.

THEME : " Creativity in the context of Multimedia University "

1. At the beginning, our group was consist of 5 persons, which are myself, Aby, Ikah, Naz, and Rihan, but in the middle of our work..Rihan had to step aside because of a problem, and I am the leader of the group.
Our first consultation was with Mr.Halim, we were discussing about our first plan by making the project about creativity as the different sides of media innovation, which meant that we were planning to talk creativity in the side of media innovation, because media innovation is one of the major under management's faculty but it is pretty different than any other management's major. Well, we failed to do so..because we didnt get much suport from Mr.Halim, Mr.Radzi as well. Also, we had been asked to completed first mind map so we can find out the topic easily.

2. Well...the next meeting we thought about writing it in the context of "Culture", because we have too much different people here, so it will be so cool..and it represents creativity that we really wanted to achieve, dont u think so ?! :)

3. We finalized that, we'll be talking about culture. These are our Mind Maps.
>> The first one is about " Multimedia University + Creativity " ( a logical mind map )
>> The second one is about " Culture in MMU + Creativity " ( a focus mind map )

* We had done digital mind maps, by using iMindMap..Tony Buzan's software. We actually have the picture for the mind map that we drew, but it wasn't too nice since none of us are really good in drawing :D
So, we decided to make it as digital.

4. After that, I divided the parts for the essay of the topic to the group members. And here is our essay when we showed it on our presentation day, the title is " Diversity Of Culture In Multimedia University "

5. From the essay, we have to figure out a design concept. Design Concept is a short sentence which is catchy and represent for the whole paragraphs that we wrote on our essay, so it helped us to keep right in the track.
After brainstorming for 2 hours at the meeting! We chose a really catchy design concept, " Culture!! Your Symbol ".
Continue to the next step, we have to choose one method that we had been taught in the class to make a final artwork. ( I hope u guys still remember all the methods that i've been explaining in all these times in this lovely blog. :D )

So then, we picked Random Image/ Word Association Method, by putting a shirt.
The shirt represents 6 parts reflect to our topic, which are color, size, style, brand, material, painting.

Explanations :

a. Life can be dull, if there’s only one color. Same goes to languages, it brings us varieties.

b. Does size reflect where you are coming from?

c. Style spices your life.
Dress style

d. Your first move is how people brand you.

e. We are different because we have developed by different materials.

f. Good painting attracts, bad printing destruct.

6. We consulted to Mr.Halim up to this point, and we got a bit feeling that he wanted us to change something and improve our work, but we didnt have too much ideas what to do anymore, and anyway..he said we did good so far. :)
So, we proceeded to the last step, which was a final artwork. It will be a video.

7. TADAAAA....its the presentation day..Dec 16 2009, and this is the final artwork of ours.

Yep! Thats it.., I completed this blog for my subject, as my record of knowledge, as my witness that i attended classes :p, and shared stuff for everyone out there!
Hope u guys enjoy! and do not stop being CREATIVE! :)

Here are some pictures of my group when we had our meetings for the project.


Love ya'll

THe Homework!!


It has been quite long time, i don't go back here to completing my subject's objectives.
but...well, here i am...still loving the blogging stuff! and lets share what i have for homework today!
So, without writing too much rubbish :p, i'd really like to jump to what i've done, and its still refer to juxtaposition which are analogy, metaphor, or simile.
I'll show a picture and i'll write a passage for it. ENJOY!

1. Describing " Life ".

a candle is a light
a light is a brightness
a brightness is white
a white is in the black
because life is too complicated to be so clear!

2. Describing " Pain "

You are a sweet like an ice cream
You color me with your flavors, and its too nice to be tasted
But I knew there is nothing last forever.
Your flavor has gone, your colour has faded, u melted away. And it hurts me!

3. Describing " Love "

Smelling u..make me wake up
Tasting u..make me awake
Finishing u..make me come back to my dreams
You are the bitter sweet love!

With Love

" The Juxtaposition ", [ Segundo Parte ]


Let we continue the topic from a part before, Juxtaposition..part 2.

So, the topic that i am going to elaborate today is just a bit slightly different from the previous topic, still under another example of juxtaposition.
There I the Creative Studies class, we have to do an exercise, it was about " HOW MERGERS GO WRONG ? "

This is what I have to do.. I have to choose 2 animals from the list downward, HOWEVER..i gotta pick 2 kind of animals which are wont survive if i merge them ;)
wohoo...get me some ideas ??!!!! hehe..

well..the animals i chose was BUTTERFLY & FISH.
i am pretty sure they wont survive if i even combine their features, its just does not support each other, dont u guys think so ?? :)
This is a picture how i illustrate them..

UNFORTUNATELY, Mr.Radzi showed us a picture that illustrate the best " MERGERS GO WRONG".., here we are!! This a combination between FISH & BIRD.

I was so close to it, hehehe... :D

The next activity was Mr.Radzi showed us some of advertisements which contain juxtaposition! and here are another examples i found..

We are done with advertisement!

The next lecture from Mr.Radzi was in this picture...

So, i hope u guys understand what i have to do now! :D
I will be given some pictures which I have to do an analogy sentences to describe a concept, just like the example above..

1st picture " Chili ", describe a concept of " Love "

I love spicy, you are my hottie like chili
You've put a fire in my tongue, and it won't die
Because tasting you, get me addicted.

2nd picture " Mortar & Pestle ", describe a concept of " Man "

You are just like mortar, completed by pestle
You produce spices, you hard to be broken
Unfortunately you sound boring.


I'll be back for completing my homework for Analogy!

With Love.

References of The Juxtaposition, Part 1 and 2 :

- The Juxtaposition..Primero Parte -

Dear My Blog.... :D

Aite, today i'll be going forward to a new topic which is "Juxtaposition". Have u guys heard about it before ??
Frankly, I've never had any single thing bout it..and this is my first time to hear this word. I am curious to know what it means because its so strange, and kinda weird name for me.. ;)

As the knowledge that i got in the class on Friday. Juxtaposition means placing things side-by-side. In art this usually is done with the intention of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting or opposing elements are used. The viewer's attention is drawn to the similarities or differences between the elements. Let say we can refer it to something like metaphor, simile, or analogy. Many creative processes relies on juxtaposition, and a lot of commercial or advertisement made by juxtaposition.

> Simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced with the word "like" or "as". Example; " He is sleeping like a log ".

> Metaphor is a figure of speech concisely expressed by comparing two things, saying that one is the other. Example; " Jumping in the deep end ".

> Analogy is a resemblance of relations; an agreement or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different. Thus, learning enlightens the mind, because it is to the mind what light is to the eye, enabling it to discover things before hidden. Example; " Gentlemen, the company is in bad shape......."
There are parallels in each of the example between the first term and the second but the second expands the example so you can expand the listeners understanding.

OK.., so based on some explanations i gave above, i wish to make juxtapositon clearer in your view. It is how wonderful people being creative with images and words and things get extraordinary, yet we understood and get what it purposes. One of the big reason why people make an advertisement/commercial using juxtaposition is to make it more attractive, interesting, and not boring.

Now..continued as usual, we have a task assigned to get done in the class.
The task is i have to choose any has to be 2 digits, for example 87, 05. and based on the number i chose, i have to refer to the slide that Mr.Radzi has given, first digit will refer to the list at left side, and the second digit will refer to the list at right side.

These numbers was chosen by me : 12, 88, 09.

12 : Flower, rock
88 : Oil, wood
09 : Fly, rain

After that, i have to use the 2 words ( based on the number above ) to make an analogy sentence.

12 : She is pretty like a flower, but her head is still a rock.
88 : She is a fire, meet the oil, and burn my wood.
09 : -

Next job... i have to translate those sentences to a picture, and here it is ..

The 1st one is for no.12 ( Flower and rock ).
The 2nd one is for no.88 ( Fire and wood )

* sorry im bad enough in drawing :D gets a bit harder, Mr.Radzi wanted us to draw again, but in this case..i have to put the 2 words together..making it as one new word, and design an image to describe the thing, so when people look at it.., they will say exactly what they see.

12 : Flowerrock
88 : Firewood
09 : Flyrain

and these are what i've done ..

The 1st one is 'flowerrock', in this i can change what it means regardless the spelling, the important thing is the sound when people say it.

The 2nd one is 'flyrain', is funny how i drew it. It is actually rain drops with wings on them, hahaha... :D

DONE for today!!
With Love.

[ Logical Mind Map VS Associated Mind Map ]

So, few days back..the topic in the class was actually continued from last week topic, we’re still in “ Mind Map “ topic, and here I am going to talk about the two types of Mind Mapping.

Well..i explained in previous topic about mind mapping in general, and those explanations are useful to understand more about how mind map works or how to make one, etc. Fortunately, Tony Buzan invented two types of mind map, so u gotta choose which one is suitable for the thing you are doing.

The first one is a Logical Mind Map, why we call it as logical ?! it is simply because logical mind map is based on stereotype, it means we are going to reflect things that we have every day or around us, or stuffs that we talk and being recognized easily by everyone, etc. It is easier to make a logical mind map because you just have to refer to things which are connected to each other and make it as links.
Honestly, mind map is kind of a new stuff for me, though I knew it while back ago..i didn’t really have interest to apply it in my life. Nonetheless, for some reasons, I do understand it helps , It keeps you right on the track.

On the other hand, the way of Associated Mind Map is slightly different from logical mind map, and the next question is why we call it as an associated ? It is because u have to connect the word by associating them, means that u don’t do stereotype as you can do in logical mind map and u don't really do the easy connection, it takes u to think harder to linking them and it doesn’t really make sense to look at but somehow they are explained by each other.

Last week, the class was finished pretty earlier..but we had a homework which we are assigned to do a logical mind map by Mr.Halim. So..this is my finale work. :)

yeeaaaa, my mind map is about health, as u can see in the image. I did mine based on stereotype, a simple explanations that easily understand by everyone. That is logical mind map.

Unfortunately, we didnt have any task to make an associated mind map, but i'll give an example that i found on the net.

by the way..the class was not finished yet ;)
so, in that day..Mr Radzi showed as a picture of Mortar and Pestle, he showed an associate mind map of mortar and pestle (the picture will be given downward). The task was...we had to choose 3 words from all the words given in the associated mind map he has, and re-create the functions of mortar and pestle for year 20009.

These are the words i chose and my sentences :

a. Teacher : Back in 20009, teachers used mortar to erase the white board, and the pestle for writing in the white board.
b. Smoke : Back to 20009, people smoke by the pestle, and mortar as the astray.
c. Mcdonalds : back to 20009, Mcdonalds waiter used the mortar and pestle as a sign to call the customer when their meal is ready.

Doesnt it sound funny & impossible ?! It doesn't make sense anyway, but this is how it is for, 'creating ideas', you have to come out even with the craziest idea that u have in your have to do a bit brainstorming. Its fun and really interesting :)


^ Mind Mapping ^

A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.
Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity.

Mind Mapping was being invented from a great man, called "Tony Buzan".

“Your brain is like a sleeping giant.” Tony Buzan

In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking or a linear text, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how your brain actually works. Since it is an activity that is both analytical and artistic, it engages your brain in a much, much richer way, helping in all its cognitive functions. And, best of all, it is fun!

How to Draw a Mind Map, here it is an example of a mind map.

Drawing a mind map is as simple as 1-2-3:

1. Start in the middle of a blank page, writing or drawing the idea you intend to develop. I would suggest that you use the page in landscape orientation.
2. Develop the related subtopics around this central topic, connecting each of them to the center with a line.
3. Repeat the same process for the subtopics, generating lower-level subtopics as you see fit, connecting each of those to the corresponding subtopic.

Some more recommendations:

4. Use colors, drawings and symbols copiously. Be as visual as you can, and your brain will thank you. I’ve met many people who don’t even try, with the excuse they’re "not artists". Don’t let that keep you from trying it out!.
5. Keep the topics labels as short as possible, keeping them to a single word – or, better yet, to only a picture. Especially in your first mind maps, the temptation to write a complete phrase is enormous, but always look for opportunities to shorten it to a single word or figure – your mind map will be much more effective that way.
6.Vary text size, color and alignment. Vary the thickness and length of the lines. Provide as many visual cues as you can to emphasize important points. Every little bit helps engaging your brain.


100 Reasons to Mind Map :
1. Explore a subject
2. Study & learn a new topic, culture or country
3. Plan your schedules
4. Innovate & invent
5. Create new ideas
6. Expand existing ideas
7. Tap your unique talents
8. Increase your brain power
9. Consolidate your existing knowledge
10. Summarise your skills
11. Plan your career
12. Plan your life
13. Plan your learning
14. Outline your business or a potential new business
15. Outline your writing
16. Outline your hobbies
17. Study, learn & pass exams
18. Boost your memory
19. Manage your day/week/month/year
20. Unlock your potential
21. Solve problems
22. Increase motivation
23. Take notes & create overviews
24. Develop your creative thinking
25. Plan presentations
26. Plan speeches
27. Fire up your imagination
28. Clarify your thoughts
29. Simplify your life
30. Summarise your budget
31. Create targets
32. Teach others
33. Improve thinking skills
34. Control time management
35. Plan story writing
36. Self-investigation
37. Plan an event
38. Summarise books
39. Plan recipes
40. Explore your past
41. Contemplation & relaxation
42. Researching
43. Planning your retirement
44. Freeing up your mind
45. Planning a party
46. Learn a new language
47. Plan your medications
48. Take meeting minutes
49. Explore existing knowledge
50. Map out your interests
51. Create instruction templates
52. Summarise humour & fun
53. Investigate what makes you happy
54. Investigate what makes you unhappy
55. Devise checklists
56. Analyse your dreams
57. Create acronyms for memorisation
58. Discover what you want to do with your life
59. Plan a blog post
60. Use as a therapy
61. Organise & bring order to daily life
62. Map out a holiday
63. Summarise an event or concert
64. Plan a website
65. Pinpoint your values
66. Unlock associations
67. Delve into your family tree
68. Plan your reading material
69. Organise house or business materials & paint colours/codes
70. Log car improvements
71. Pinpoint your goals
72. Categorise your Music CD’s & DVD’s
73. Discover new combinations
74. Outline daily tasks
75. Create teaching overviews
76. Plan & present your resume
77. Family planning & year summaries
78. Investigate lessons learnt from failures
79. Find your unique personal qualities
80. Research inspiring & successful people
81. Categorise crops, plants & flowers in your garden
82. Summarise content of videos/DVD’s/Films/Talks/Speeches
83. Organise your favourite books
84. Organise your favourite websites
85. Explore potential answers to world problems
86. Stretch imagination & fantasy
87. Log home improvements
88. Plan foods & diets
89. Meal planning
90. Unearth hidden talents
91. Plan exercise regime
92. Explore the lives of geniuses
93. Research your idols
94. Research a business or niche
95. Create a journal of self discovery
96. Create a log of valuables & possessions, antiques & values
97. Log personal challenges
98. Take charge of your emotions & plan positive action
99. Plan Birthday & Christmas gifts
100. Organise your life

" This is Tony Buzan's profile, based on his software "

For more knowledge, the picture downward is not strictly a Mind Map as each line should only contain one word, yet this selection of three word quotes utilises the principal of a Mind Map for simplicity to get everything on one page without using a list.

" What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds "
Wayne Dyer.

Reference :

Novelty - Creativity & Innovation - Invention !!

Well..., the next topic in the Creative Studies Lecture is as written in the title for today! :)

So, what are they ?
Are those word's meaning too similar to each other ?
The answer is YES, but u have to know where to use it in the context about the matter that u r talking about.

Yeaa..n here it is, i am going to discuss all of them as best as i can.

Novelty (derived from Latin word novem for "new") is the quality of being new. Although it may be said to have an objective dimension (e.g. a new style of art coming into being, such as abstract art or impressionism) it essentially exists in the subjective perceptions of individuals.
It also refers to something novel; that which is striking, original or unusual. The term can have pejorative sense and refer to a mere innovation.

As what i do understand about novelty is something really close to creativity, it means that u do something new, and unique. Its an extraordinary work that u thought it might be good for u or u make it as a trademark for urself, that's why a novelty is really good for u but probably not for other people around.

An easy example for us to understood is, between an artist and a designer!
An artist do their art works as what they wanted it, as they pictured it.., there isnt any much reasons behind it perhaps.
A painting artist do the picture as what they want to give out, they dont really care whether later on someone is going to buy their painting art or its not. And we can say that is as a novelty.

Therefore, as a designer..u have to follow everything that ur boss says, or ur client requests, or whoever whom ordering u to make something like they want exactly.
U do ur work as their request, it'll be good for both parties, or it is not good for u, but its good for them, or it will just turn way round.

This is an example of novelty..
So, the picture shows that the person who does a colourful tattoo in her mouth, doesnt it really unusual ?
Well its unique, its too brave..i guess! :D and maybe its good for her, she likes it..she makes it as her trademark, she loves drawing some artworks in her body's part.


Innovation is a new way of doing something. It may refer to incremental and emergent or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations.
In the same meaning innovation is adding value to the existing thing, and most of the time used for commercial.

Take these 2 pictures as an example..

This is a video game, we have known as Playstation 1.

And this is a picture of Playstation 3.
They add values on it, to make it different, more interesting, better look.
They have done a really good advancement for their product.


An invention is a new composition, configuration, device, or process. Some inventions are based on pre-existing models or ideas and others are radical breakthroughs. Inventions can extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience.
An invention that is novel and not obvious to those who are skilled in the same field may be able to obtain the legal protection of a patent. There is also a cultural invention which is an innovative set of useful social behaviors adopted by people and passed on to others.

Inventing is a highly creative process. An open curious mind enables one to see beyond what is known. Inventors think outside of the box.
Seeing a new possibility, a new connection or relationship can spark an invention. Inventive thinking frequently involves combining elements from different realms that would not normally be put together. Sometimes inventors skip over the boundaries between distinctly separate territories or fields. Ways of thinking, materials, processes or tools from one realm are used as no one else has imagined in a different realm.

The next pictures will talk about the first airplane invention.

Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright invented the airplane, which they patented as a "flying machine". The first engine-powered airplane to fly was the Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903.

We would like to thankful to all of inventors and their greatest inventions to the world! U made a big change for our life ..

" A man, as a general rule, owes very little to what he is born with - a man is what he makes of himself "
Alexander Graham Bell.

" The airplane stays up because it doesn't have the time to fall "
Orville Wright.

" It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill "
Wilbur Wright.

Reference :

! Left Brain ---> ' Creativo ' <--- Right Brain !

It has long been known that the human brain is comprised of two sections known as the left brain and the right brain, Each half processes received information or stimuli in radically different fashion.

The left brain is like a filing cabinet or reference catalog. The files are like zip files that show an image for reference. For instance, what we have stored is a fireworks display. The image used for the icon my be the one fireworks image from that display, giving us access to to the facts about that display. Who we were with, how old we were, where the display occurred, etc. Details and facts.

The right brain on the other hand is responsible for new information, feelings and emotions, abstracts and associations. We may see a fireworks display today and not see an icon, but we will associate it with one that we experienced in our past and remember how we felt about fireworks, the puppy love we had with that girl or guy who took us to that display in the past. This will in turn bring about romantic feelings and maybe cause us to hug the one we're with during the current display.

Knowing this we can see how creativity works.When we experience something new (vision, idea, or thought) our left brain begins to tickle all the old information stored in relative files and begins to massage the information in those files to form an idea that is unique.

" Which Are You ? "

" Creativity is stress if it's never made tangible "
Andrew Schwartz.


> That's some flock of geese forming!

> Are the air traffic controllers on strike again?

> My kingdom!

> My Brain

> Flying from the dark to the light!

> Dinner!

U CHOOSE !! :)

This little test is a popular way to see if you've been "wired" to be right brain dominant, left brain dominant, or whole brain.

We cannot truly be creative without being able to use both the left brain and the right brain. We may have novel thoughts and ideas, even implement them, but if the end product doesn't meet the four tenets of context, function, behavior, and structure, then the process is a failure.

Reference : " How Creativity Works ?" By Alex Crabtree

Creativo a.k.a Creative !!

" a masterpiece by Erasmus " :)

Well, being completely honest..the first time i heard a meaningful word 'creative', i wasn't sure about my answer, i was just being a thinker perhaps..or i don't really know how to express it by words..hehe!! However, for sure..creative has a broad meaning, creativity is something different, being an exact creative thinker is a skill !!
From the second class of Creative Studies back on Friday.. I was kinda getting a clue what's going on when being creative is needed, and will be an important part when u do something! Anyway, Its always there, u r just not realizing yet or u just simply dont know how to use it. It depends on u want it to be! Creativity is always a part of our life, but how u can use ur 'creativity point' to be a creative thinker, and come out with creative works.

We are intelligent people.., for example; we know so many informations, news, etc. We study a lot of things, we learn new stuffs, and we all know its all restored in our brain.
so, how to bring it out ? how to share it with people who doesn't know those informations we knew ? or how to make changes ?

It is always interesting when u can do something unique, its fun when u realize u can do something new, n its always a proud when u have done something based on the value u have in ur brain, completed by ur skills.

U dont stuck, because a skill is being creative. And a creative thinker has another ways, new ways, and changes.

"There are no problems - only opportunities to be creative."
Dorye Roettger.

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."
Joseph Chilton Pierce.

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun."
Mary Lou Cook.

The following video gives a great visual definition of creativity.

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