- The Juxtaposition..Primero Parte -

Dear My Blog.... :D

Aite, today i'll be going forward to a new topic which is "Juxtaposition". Have u guys heard about it before ??
Frankly, I've never had any single thing bout it..and this is my first time to hear this word. I am curious to know what it means because its so strange, and kinda weird name for me.. ;)

As the knowledge that i got in the class on Friday. Juxtaposition means placing things side-by-side. In art this usually is done with the intention of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting or opposing elements are used. The viewer's attention is drawn to the similarities or differences between the elements. Let say we can refer it to something like metaphor, simile, or analogy. Many creative processes relies on juxtaposition, and a lot of commercial or advertisement made by juxtaposition.

> Simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced with the word "like" or "as". Example; " He is sleeping like a log ".

> Metaphor is a figure of speech concisely expressed by comparing two things, saying that one is the other. Example; " Jumping in the deep end ".

> Analogy is a resemblance of relations; an agreement or likeness between things in some circumstances or effects, when the things are otherwise entirely different. Thus, learning enlightens the mind, because it is to the mind what light is to the eye, enabling it to discover things before hidden. Example; " Gentlemen, the company is in bad shape......."
There are parallels in each of the example between the first term and the second but the second expands the example so you can expand the listeners understanding.

OK.., so based on some explanations i gave above, i wish to make juxtapositon clearer in your view. It is how wonderful people being creative with images and words and things get extraordinary, yet we understood and get what it purposes. One of the big reason why people make an advertisement/commercial using juxtaposition is to make it more attractive, interesting, and not boring.

Now..continued as usual, we have a task assigned to get done in the class.
The task is i have to choose any has to be 2 digits, for example 87, 05. and based on the number i chose, i have to refer to the slide that Mr.Radzi has given, first digit will refer to the list at left side, and the second digit will refer to the list at right side.

These numbers was chosen by me : 12, 88, 09.

12 : Flower, rock
88 : Oil, wood
09 : Fly, rain

After that, i have to use the 2 words ( based on the number above ) to make an analogy sentence.

12 : She is pretty like a flower, but her head is still a rock.
88 : She is a fire, meet the oil, and burn my wood.
09 : -

Next job... i have to translate those sentences to a picture, and here it is ..

The 1st one is for no.12 ( Flower and rock ).
The 2nd one is for no.88 ( Fire and wood )

* sorry im bad enough in drawing :D gets a bit harder, Mr.Radzi wanted us to draw again, but in this case..i have to put the 2 words together..making it as one new word, and design an image to describe the thing, so when people look at it.., they will say exactly what they see.

12 : Flowerrock
88 : Firewood
09 : Flyrain

and these are what i've done ..

The 1st one is 'flowerrock', in this i can change what it means regardless the spelling, the important thing is the sound when people say it.

The 2nd one is 'flyrain', is funny how i drew it. It is actually rain drops with wings on them, hahaha... :D

DONE for today!!
With Love.


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