Creativo a.k.a Creative !!

" a masterpiece by Erasmus " :)

Well, being completely honest..the first time i heard a meaningful word 'creative', i wasn't sure about my answer, i was just being a thinker perhaps..or i don't really know how to express it by words..hehe!! However, for sure..creative has a broad meaning, creativity is something different, being an exact creative thinker is a skill !!
From the second class of Creative Studies back on Friday.. I was kinda getting a clue what's going on when being creative is needed, and will be an important part when u do something! Anyway, Its always there, u r just not realizing yet or u just simply dont know how to use it. It depends on u want it to be! Creativity is always a part of our life, but how u can use ur 'creativity point' to be a creative thinker, and come out with creative works.

We are intelligent people.., for example; we know so many informations, news, etc. We study a lot of things, we learn new stuffs, and we all know its all restored in our brain.
so, how to bring it out ? how to share it with people who doesn't know those informations we knew ? or how to make changes ?

It is always interesting when u can do something unique, its fun when u realize u can do something new, n its always a proud when u have done something based on the value u have in ur brain, completed by ur skills.

U dont stuck, because a skill is being creative. And a creative thinker has another ways, new ways, and changes.

"There are no problems - only opportunities to be creative."
Dorye Roettger.

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."
Joseph Chilton Pierce.

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun."
Mary Lou Cook.

The following video gives a great visual definition of creativity.


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