" The Juxtaposition ", [ Segundo Parte ]


Let we continue the topic from a part before, Juxtaposition..part 2.

So, the topic that i am going to elaborate today is just a bit slightly different from the previous topic, still under another example of juxtaposition.
There I the Creative Studies class, we have to do an exercise, it was about " HOW MERGERS GO WRONG ? "

This is what I have to do.. I have to choose 2 animals from the list downward, HOWEVER..i gotta pick 2 kind of animals which are wont survive if i merge them ;)
wohoo...get me some ideas ??!!!! hehe..

well..the animals i chose was BUTTERFLY & FISH.
i am pretty sure they wont survive if i even combine their features, its just does not support each other, dont u guys think so ?? :)
This is a picture how i illustrate them..

UNFORTUNATELY, Mr.Radzi showed us a picture that illustrate the best " MERGERS GO WRONG".., here we are!! This a combination between FISH & BIRD.

I was so close to it, hehehe... :D

The next activity was Mr.Radzi showed us some of advertisements which contain juxtaposition! and here are another examples i found..

We are done with advertisement!

The next lecture from Mr.Radzi was in this picture...

So, i hope u guys understand what i have to do now! :D
I will be given some pictures which I have to do an analogy sentences to describe a concept, just like the example above..

1st picture " Chili ", describe a concept of " Love "

I love spicy, you are my hottie like chili
You've put a fire in my tongue, and it won't die
Because tasting you, get me addicted.

2nd picture " Mortar & Pestle ", describe a concept of " Man "

You are just like mortar, completed by pestle
You produce spices, you hard to be broken
Unfortunately you sound boring.


I'll be back for completing my homework for Analogy!

With Love.

References of The Juxtaposition, Part 1 and 2 :


Abi said...

LOL!!!!loooove the chilli poem...its hottt!!!!hehehe :-)

Pauline Lahai said...

hahaha!!! Abiii....we r in lovee!! that's explain why! :D thanks btw..

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