! Left Brain ---> ' Creativo ' <--- Right Brain !

It has long been known that the human brain is comprised of two sections known as the left brain and the right brain, Each half processes received information or stimuli in radically different fashion.

The left brain is like a filing cabinet or reference catalog. The files are like zip files that show an image for reference. For instance, what we have stored is a fireworks display. The image used for the icon my be the one fireworks image from that display, giving us access to to the facts about that display. Who we were with, how old we were, where the display occurred, etc. Details and facts.

The right brain on the other hand is responsible for new information, feelings and emotions, abstracts and associations. We may see a fireworks display today and not see an icon, but we will associate it with one that we experienced in our past and remember how we felt about fireworks, the puppy love we had with that girl or guy who took us to that display in the past. This will in turn bring about romantic feelings and maybe cause us to hug the one we're with during the current display.

Knowing this we can see how creativity works.When we experience something new (vision, idea, or thought) our left brain begins to tickle all the old information stored in relative files and begins to massage the information in those files to form an idea that is unique.

" Which Are You ? "

" Creativity is stress if it's never made tangible "
Andrew Schwartz.


> That's some flock of geese forming!

> Are the air traffic controllers on strike again?

> My kingdom!

> My Brain

> Flying from the dark to the light!

> Dinner!

U CHOOSE !! :)

This little test is a popular way to see if you've been "wired" to be right brain dominant, left brain dominant, or whole brain.

We cannot truly be creative without being able to use both the left brain and the right brain. We may have novel thoughts and ideas, even implement them, but if the end product doesn't meet the four tenets of context, function, behavior, and structure, then the process is a failure.

Reference : " How Creativity Works ?" By Alex Crabtree


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