It has been quite long time, i don't go back here to completing my subject's objectives.
but...well, here i am...still loving the blogging stuff! and lets share what i have for homework today!
So, without writing too much rubbish :p, i'd really like to jump to what i've done, and its still refer to juxtaposition which are analogy, metaphor, or simile.
I'll show a picture and i'll write a passage for it. ENJOY!
1. Describing " Life ".
a candle is a light
a light is a brightness
a brightness is white
a white is in the black
because life is too complicated to be so clear!
2. Describing " Pain "
You are a sweet like an ice cream
You color me with your flavors, and its too nice to be tasted
But I knew there is nothing last forever.
Your flavor has gone, your colour has faded, u melted away. And it hurts me!
3. Describing " Love "
Smelling u..make me wake up
Tasting u..make me awake
Finishing u..make me come back to my dreams
You are the bitter sweet love!
With Love
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