- The Thematic Project -

Holaaa everyone!!

Come back agaiinnn! Might be the last post for the creative studies class, but will never stop being creative ! :)
YES!! There it is...Ours! It is a final assignment that we've been working out these past weeks, and frankly to say..i satisfied with everyone's effort and we made a pretty great team work.
The presentation was wonderful as well, we delivered a good topic (* I think)..we answered for really fine answers..though i was so nervous, the video was amazing! Credit to Omar for helping out my group to get done with the brilliant video! At the moment i felt so good with everything that we have done as a team, i wish everything will be fine until we face a final exam on Sunday Dec 20, 2009. it is, the following steps we did for the project.

THEME : " Creativity in the context of Multimedia University "

1. At the beginning, our group was consist of 5 persons, which are myself, Aby, Ikah, Naz, and Rihan, but in the middle of our work..Rihan had to step aside because of a problem, and I am the leader of the group.
Our first consultation was with Mr.Halim, we were discussing about our first plan by making the project about creativity as the different sides of media innovation, which meant that we were planning to talk creativity in the side of media innovation, because media innovation is one of the major under management's faculty but it is pretty different than any other management's major. Well, we failed to do so..because we didnt get much suport from Mr.Halim, Mr.Radzi as well. Also, we had been asked to completed first mind map so we can find out the topic easily.

2. Well...the next meeting we thought about writing it in the context of "Culture", because we have too much different people here, so it will be so cool..and it represents creativity that we really wanted to achieve, dont u think so ?! :)

3. We finalized that, we'll be talking about culture. These are our Mind Maps.
>> The first one is about " Multimedia University + Creativity " ( a logical mind map )
>> The second one is about " Culture in MMU + Creativity " ( a focus mind map )

* We had done digital mind maps, by using iMindMap..Tony Buzan's software. We actually have the picture for the mind map that we drew, but it wasn't too nice since none of us are really good in drawing :D
So, we decided to make it as digital.

4. After that, I divided the parts for the essay of the topic to the group members. And here is our essay when we showed it on our presentation day, the title is " Diversity Of Culture In Multimedia University "

5. From the essay, we have to figure out a design concept. Design Concept is a short sentence which is catchy and represent for the whole paragraphs that we wrote on our essay, so it helped us to keep right in the track.
After brainstorming for 2 hours at the meeting! We chose a really catchy design concept, " Culture!! Your Symbol ".
Continue to the next step, we have to choose one method that we had been taught in the class to make a final artwork. ( I hope u guys still remember all the methods that i've been explaining in all these times in this lovely blog. :D )

So then, we picked Random Image/ Word Association Method, by putting a shirt.
The shirt represents 6 parts reflect to our topic, which are color, size, style, brand, material, painting.

Explanations :

a. Life can be dull, if there’s only one color. Same goes to languages, it brings us varieties.

b. Does size reflect where you are coming from?

c. Style spices your life.
Dress style

d. Your first move is how people brand you.

e. We are different because we have developed by different materials.

f. Good painting attracts, bad printing destruct.

6. We consulted to Mr.Halim up to this point, and we got a bit feeling that he wanted us to change something and improve our work, but we didnt have too much ideas what to do anymore, and anyway..he said we did good so far. :)
So, we proceeded to the last step, which was a final artwork. It will be a video.

7. TADAAAA....its the presentation day..Dec 16 2009, and this is the final artwork of ours.

Yep! Thats it.., I completed this blog for my subject, as my record of knowledge, as my witness that i attended classes :p, and shared stuff for everyone out there!
Hope u guys enjoy! and do not stop being CREATIVE! :)

Here are some pictures of my group when we had our meetings for the project.


Love ya'll

THe Homework!!


It has been quite long time, i don't go back here to completing my subject's objectives.
but...well, here i am...still loving the blogging stuff! and lets share what i have for homework today!
So, without writing too much rubbish :p, i'd really like to jump to what i've done, and its still refer to juxtaposition which are analogy, metaphor, or simile.
I'll show a picture and i'll write a passage for it. ENJOY!

1. Describing " Life ".

a candle is a light
a light is a brightness
a brightness is white
a white is in the black
because life is too complicated to be so clear!

2. Describing " Pain "

You are a sweet like an ice cream
You color me with your flavors, and its too nice to be tasted
But I knew there is nothing last forever.
Your flavor has gone, your colour has faded, u melted away. And it hurts me!

3. Describing " Love "

Smelling u..make me wake up
Tasting u..make me awake
Finishing u..make me come back to my dreams
You are the bitter sweet love!

With Love
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